Monday, August 17, 2009

Supply Side Demand Side education

After hearing about president Obama's education plan it has left me shocked and appalled that this is the man that i voted for. As an aspiring teacher I am really agitated that the 4 billion dollars that Obama has proposed for education is only for the schools that achieve well. now i am fan of Barack but to hear that he thinks that 4 billion dollars needs to go only to the schools that do well doesn't seem logical to me at all. i thought that he was opposed to any type No Child Left behind act principals. Any logical person knows that you don't pump a tire that already has air with more air. You give air to the tire that needs it the most. In this case the schools that are failing. Now if i were president i put 4 billion dollars to a program called "supply side demand side education". In economics democrats normally go with demand side economics. They think that giving tax breaks and rebates to the middle class will stimulate the economy or at least pay back some of the debt they have accrued. On the other hand republicans would give tax cuts to the businesses to supply more items and lower costs. Now the way this goes to my plan is as followed. I believe that the parents are biggest factor in any child's schooling. Based on the education of the parent is whether school will be valued or devalued by the child. I propose that we stop pouring money into getting this high tech equipment but rather put it into educating the parents. Parents need to understand how important the environment is for a student. I guarantee if the parent didn't value school then 9 times out of 10 the child will be in an environment where they don't value school. It a cycle that goes over and over and it makes me sick because these kids don't have a fighting chance. Parents need to understand that student can't take of care of their little brother and sisters because they have homework to do. I believe that if we educated our parents with workshops as to how to help their children be the best they can be, we would have a muchmore productive system. In my plan i want to give tax breaks to businesses that allow their workers to take off in order to go to parent teacher meetings and workshops. Education is a important means of social mobility in this country and i think we all need to aid in the process of making sure everyone has the education needed to make that change. That change starts with our parents and ends with a brighter future for not only our students but America as a whole also.

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